Monday, September 1, 2008

Midwinter in Lubbock, Jan 31-Feb 1

The SWATA Executive Board will have its Midwinter Meeting January 31-February 1 in Lubbock, Texas.

We will also have a reception for SWATA Members and on the evening of Saturday, January 31. The details are still being worked out, but it will be similar to last year's reception in San Antonio--those who were there can testify that it was a good evening. This is a great opportunity to meet the Executive Board and fellow Members in an informal setting, so put it on your calendar if you're able to attend.

The Midwinter date is Superbowl weekend, but we had to work around the NATA District Secretary/Treasurer's meeting, NATA Hit the Hill Day, and TSATA Hill Day, and we have to meet early in the year to prepare for the Annual Meeting.

At Midwinter, we typically focus on the Annual Meeting, such as setting the Annual Meeting registration fee and discussing future Annual Meeting dates and sites, but we also review some of our programs (for example, Honors and Awards, Athletic Training Student Association, etc.), and meet with committees who have pending issues or who were assigned tasks from the previous summer. This year, we will also be addressing issues related to our role as the host District for the NATA Annual Meeting (San Antonio) and reviewing a report from the Governance Task Force regarding potential restructuring of our Association, similar to what NATA completed this past year. As always, the Executive Board meetings are open to everyone, so feel free to come by and observe. We'll post information about location and agenda as the meeting approaches.

As always, thanks for your continuing efforts to improve our Association.

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