Thursday, October 2, 2008

Think Pink!!

The Mighty Chargers from Keller Central High School are playing the Fighting Indians from Keller High School tomorrow night. Inner-city rivalry. Bragging rights. District victory at stake. Why in the world would I be mentioning this in the SWATA Blog? Well, tomorrow nights game has been designated as a “Think Pink” game in our district. Cheerleaders from both schools have been working hard to spread the wonderful color of pink to the entire student body, faculty, district administrators and parents. Why? To focus on the on-going fight to find a cure for breast cancer. Tomorrow night, hopefully, everyone in the stands, no matter what team they are rooting for, will be wearing pink t-shirts and pink bracelets that have been sold on each campus for the past few weeks. All of the proceeds will be presented to the Susan G. Komen Foundation for Breast Cancer Research. Pink pre-wrap has been ordered to help tape up the players before the game. Even the coaching and athletic training staffs from each team will be wearing pink polos.

This offers me the perfect chance to talk about the Susan G. Komen 3 Day Walk coming to the DFW metroplex from November 7 – 9. Thousands of walkers will take three days to hit the streets to raise money for a cause that has inspired and touched so many people over the years. I had the pleasure of working this event last year and I can honestly say that it changed the way I work with my athletes and everyone that I come into contact with. The sheer determination of the walkers, no matter how much it hurt or how big and nasty the blisters were, kept on walking to reach the goal of 60 miles. If there was a case where a walker was told they could not medically continue, the sheer look of disappointment on their faces made you really feel the hard work that went into this walk and the desire they had to beat this disease. This is your chance……all that is asked is a few hours throughout the weekend. Those few hours could turn into the entire three days as this event touches your life and you get to know these courageous people hitting the pavement each day. If you would like to help with this life changing event, contact Cindy Trowbridge ( or Ted Perry ( I promise you work harder than you can imagine getting the walkers back on the trail and that you will make a point never to miss this event ever again.

By the way, Go Chargers and Think Pink!

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