Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March Madness - Athletic Training Style

It seems that you can't watch TV or read the paper/internet these days without seeing or hearing about "March Madness". While most of the general population thinks that is referring to the NCAA basketball tournament we athletic trainers just know it as the madness that sets in from seemingly unending things that we have to deal with in our jobs. Regardless of your employment setting whether it be secondary school, collegiate, academic, clinical, or something else it seems like March is month that is "maddening" so to speak because the what seems like never ending events and issues to deal with. I'm here to tell you that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and no it's not an oncoming train. Hang in there and March will end soon enough.

I wanted to take this opportunity to ask all athletic trainers in SWATA to keep a few things on the front burner.
  • There is still time to do something for National Athletic Training Month. For ideas go to the SWATA front page(http://www.swata.org/). In Stephenville we had the mayor and also our school board do a proclamation. After you do something in your local area be sure and let SWATA PR Chair Chris Shaddock know about it.
  • There is an election coming up. This year we will elect second vice president. We have three very qualified candidates running. To fully participate in your association it is important that you vote. The SWATA Board in the past year has moved forward with technology and you can now vote electronically. It takes only a few minutes to cast your vote. I implore you to take the time and let your voice be heard when you receive your ballot.
  • The annual NATA convention is being held in our backyard this year. June 17 - 20 are the dates and the location is San Antonio. We really need to make our presence known. If you can go please make every attempt to do so. Also if you go and would like to a.) help out and b.) save a little money on registration contact Melinda Terry melindat@admin.stedwards.edu or Jerry Greeson Jerry.Greeson@utsa.edu and they'll get you set up to help.
  • The annual SWATA convention will be back in Arlington this summer. Please save the dates of July 23 - 26 so that you may attend. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone there.

As always it is an honor to serve the good athletic trainers of SWATA and if there is ever anything that I or any other Executive Board member can do for you please do not hesitate to ask.

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